Saturday, December 26, 2009

Urban Exodus

Why not put a religious spin on it? Gator fans take this shit seriously so much so that Jeremy Foley is going to start having the concessions staff serve communion at the end of every 3rd quarter next fall. I’m just kidding but you’ll see me in hell either way.
Like when Spurrier left, we are all probably taking this too seriously. It’s just a team and tomorrow it won’t really matter who our coach is. Urban has been a great one though; there is no denying that. I truly do wish Urban well. Imagine if this was really it for him. What a legacy he’ll leave if he never coaches again. He’d be the Jim Brown of college coaches; he could have done so much more but what would that really prove? I’m glad he’s leaving with us thinking, “what if he stayed 5 more years?” rather than us thinking “why didn’t he leave 5 years sooner?”
Don’t cry Gator fans this will all be exciting. We’re getting a new coach and that’s always fun despite what a huge loss this is. You could have seen this coming had you been loyally following my blog. If you recall, the post-Tennessee blog stated that this would be Urban’s final year. Now I didn’t quite say he’d have heart issues but I basically let you all know why there would be no incentive for him to return in 2010. Now that being said who are we going to hire? First I’ll tell you who we won’t hire. Charlie Strong, Ron Zook, Jimbo Fisher, Steve Spurrier and Bobby Bowden will not be offered jobs at Florida. For the record, Spurrier would dominate with JB at quarterback next year, just sayin. I said in the same blog that if Urban goes, Charlie should get the job, but the more I’ve thought about it, the more I realize that Charlie is a great coordinator but I don’t think he’s head coach material. I hope I’m wrong but something in me is telling me he won’t be a good head coach.
I think the search will really come down to 4 guys we’ll legitimately look at.

1. Bob Stoops: He’s our go-to-guy every time we need a coach. Maybe we’re his go to school when he wants more money from OU. I’m all for this hire if it happens. See my previous blog if you don’t understand why I’m all gay for Stoops. I’d love to see Stoops finish he career here.

2. Dan Mullen: I honestly think this will be our next head coach. It makes way too much sense and he’s going to be a great head coach no matter where he ends up. He’s a great face for the program, be that a baby face but a great face nonetheless. He’ll recruit well and obviously our offense will stay effective under Mullen. I’m guessing he’d like to stay at Miss St. for 3 years total but his dream job just opened up. He may not go leave so he can truly make a name for himself without Meyer. Maybe he wants to blaze his own trail elsewhere. If Mullen succeeds critics will site his predecessor.

3. Chris Peterson from Boise State: I hope to hell it’s not him but his record over the past 4 seasons has been amazing. Still I think there might be a reason that big schools haven’t been knocking down his door; his school hasn’t really beaten anyone since that Oklahoma game.

4. Randy Edsall: This guy has done a lot with a brand new program at UCONN. He’d be a great guy to come in and run things as they were and manage an already successful system ala Jimmy Johnson and Dennis Erickson at the “u” in the 80s and 90s. Man, I realize that in the moment I've totally forgotten to put a wrestling reference. Well, this transition will be like when Paul Bearer and The Undertaker parted ways. Yes the Undertaker may have suffered in the short term, but overall Paul Bearer's early direction guided The Undertaker's career, which is still going strong by the way. So yeah, I feel pretty good about the future of Gator Football based on that.

One thing I do see happening is a clean transition. Urban will supposedly still be in Gainesville after all probably overseeing a lot of things going on. I think just about any capable coach can come into Gainesville and compete for championships. I’ve heard early rumblings about Petrino as well but I wouldn’t want anything to do with this guy after the Atlanta Falcons falling out. I’m trying to rush this blog out so I haven’t had a ton of time to really think this entire thing out, but I just thought about Rich Rodriguez as well. He’s done poorly at Michigan but he could win right away with the returning team at Florida. All this being said, the Gators will get someone who is definitely not Ron Zook. A huge part of me wants Spurrier, for the record, but I know it will never happen.

Enjoy your holidays and enjoy watching the final game of this amazing era.

Until next time,
The Voice of the Gators

P.S. FSU lost to USF this season. We play them next season. We’ll beat them no matter who our head coach is.

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